While the city offers numerous beautification and economic development resources, here are some the neighborhoods have found most helpful in achieving their public safety needs and goals:
Beautify your Block
B’More Beautiful: The Mayor’s peer to peer neighborhood beautification program. The program is currently offered in 22 pilot neighborhoods. Visit their website to learn if your neighborhood is involved or how you can get your neighborhood involved.
Alley Gating Program: Many communities have found alley gating and greening an effective way to deter crime and improve quality of life on their blocks. The Baltimore Department of Transportation can help walk you through this process. For more information check out their guidelines and contact the Land Conveyance Section at:
410-396-GATE (4283) or alley.gating@baltimorecity.gov
Beautify your Commercial Corridor
Baltimore Development Corporation’s Façade Improvement Grant Program: The Façade Improvement Grant program (FIG) gives businesses matching funds to improve the exterior of their businesses. These improvements can be used to help responsible business owners attract more business and build a common identity along your commercial corridor (See Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Section- link to section). Visit their website to learn more.
Baltimore Main Streets: Learn more about the Mayor’s Main Streets program. The program currently has eight active programs, and is working to get additional programs up and running. Visit their website to find out how to get involved.