A Community Impact Statement gives residents or community groups an opportunity to explain how a crime harmed the community. These statements become a part of the criminal case file and can influence the outcome of the case.
Things to Include:
1. Address to judge overseeing the case
i.e. “Good afternoon your honor”
2. A summary of the economic loss or damage suffered by your community
Ex. “Between the months of June 2016 until December 2016, Mr. Doe Burglarized over twenty homes in our community, many of which were occupied at the time of the theft.”
3. A short summary of the harm or trauma that the crime caused your community
Ex. “The emotional impact Mr. Doe caused on our community will be felt for years to come. Many residents have reported being unable to sleep at night, and are constantly afraid that someone will break into their residence while they are home.”
4. A concise statement of what outcome that you and your community would like and the reasons to support his opinion
Ex. “Mr. Doe should be punished to the full extent of the law and should be mandated to do community service within our community in order to send a clear message that crime will not be tolerated in our community”
Sample Community Impact Statements:
Community Impact Statement Sample – Orange View Community Association
Ways to Submit:
You and your neighbors can submit a community impact statement the following ways:
By Mail
Office of the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City
Attention: (Assistant State’s Attorney who is handling your case)
110 North Calvert Street, Suite 2010
Baltimore, MD 21202
By Fax
For more information, visit the Office of the State's Attorney Website or call Baltimore City’s Victim and Witness Division at 410-396-1897