Anonymous Crime Reporting
We understand that many Baltimore neighbors need to be anonymous for their own safety. To be anonymous when calling 911, simply state that you wish to be anonymous at the beginning of the call. Baltimore’s Crime Watch numbers give residents additional confidence they will be anonymous.
What is a Crime Watch Number?
A confidential, unique, seven-digit number assigned by the police department. You can use it to report crime and suspicious activity without telling your identity to the police officer who answers the call.
How it Works
When you give your Crime Watch number to the 9-1-1 Operator, the Operator will ask you several questions, including the location of the incident about which you are calling. The 9-1-1 Operator will tell the police about the location of the incident, but WILL NOT tell the police any information about the person calling “9-1-1”. The police officer will respond to the location of the incident, not to the caller. Even if the incident is right in front of your house, the responding officer will not know if the call came from your house, one of your neighbors or someone passing by. Please note that if a neighborhood canvass is required, responding officers may knock on your door as a part of canvass. They still will not know that you were the one who made the call.
How to Apply
Simply fill out the crime watch application online or download and print it and return to your local police district in person or by mail. You can also fill out the form electronically and email to OperationCrimeWatch@baltimorecity.gov
If you do not receive your confidential seven-digit number by mail within 7 business days, contact us at 410-396-9521